Friday, January 14, 2011

My First Waterloo Winter Adventure: Clubs and Societies Day!

How do you really get to know a place?
This week I learned, you can only truly know an environment by familiarizing yourself with the people that are within it. My first adventure of this term was to the Student Life Centre (SLC) on campus for “Clubs and Societies Day” in the Great Hall.
You may or may not be aware that uWaterloo is happily overflowing with Student Life. Today it was even more clear to me that uWaterloo is a community that prides it’s self in student involvement, community outreach, and most of all diversity!
As I walked into the Great Hall of the SLC, I was immediately taken back by the sea of colourful booths, each representing a different club, society, association or charity, and even more by the large crowd of students. Some students were there to promote their club or society/ association, while other students were strolling through the various rows of booths, checking out their areas of interest.
If you're anything like me, you'd find that once you finished with one booth there would be another one that catches your attention. Whether it's your faculty’s student union, your program’s society, an intriguing charitable outreach project, an ethnic based club, or maybe a club centred on your favourite hobbie/ past time, you wouldn't have any trouble finding an opportunity to get involved on campus! You may, however, find yourself perplexed in having to decide which one to choose.
The atmosphere was full of excitement and the desire to get involved was contagious. Every student I talked to was eager to share with me what their club or society was about, their experience, and happy to teach me something new about the community around me.
I still can't believe how many different booths I saw. From the:
  • Marketing Club's superhero in a Morphsuit,
  • The Latin American Student Association dancers,
  • Fashion For Change,
  • The Federation of Students' One Waterloo and Colour Me Educated stands,
  • To the Arts Student Union, and much more!
There is something for everyone! You can check out a full list of uWaterloo's Clubs and Societies on the Federation of Students website to see which ones interest you!

As I left with my array of stickers, pins, candy and pamphlets in hand I thought to myself, it's not about buildings or reputation. It's about the students. It's about getting involved and making the most of your experience.

Inside the Student Life Centre, that is exactly what being at uWaterloo is about! 

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